Eeva Rekola
Want to become one of us?
Risto Rajala
Jari Salminen
Leif Salenius
“The atmosphere at the RE Group is relaxed yet professional.“
Our staff have a great deal of professional pride in their work. They see long-term projects through to the end, in accordance with customers’ wishes. When RE-Suunnittelu Oy commenced operations in 1994, a total of 21 employees transferred to the company from Valiotekniikka. A third of those – i.e. seven employees – still work for the company. Of the rest, ten have retired and only four have left to work for another employer. Those who joined the company later have also tended to stay, leading to relatively low staff turnover. Our staff are highly motivated, and we have also aimed for a corporate culture whereby experienced employees guide and advise their younger counterparts in the secrets of design and project management.
We believe that successful projects start with skilled and healthy people.
This is why we take such good care of our staff, offering a range of staff benefits and activities.
Sijainti hyvien liikenneyhteyksien varrella
Opportunities to develop professional skills
Flexible working hours,
Remote working by agreement
Mobile phone benefit
Lunch voucher
Sport and cultural benefit vouchers
Comprehensive occupational healthcare
Badminton and floorball sessions
Recreational activities for staff in their free time
Events organised by the company
RE Group on kokonaisvaltainen suunnittelutoimisto.
Osaamisemme keskittyy vahvasti elintarviketeollisuuteen, logistiikkaan,
laboratorioihin sekä kaupan sektorille.
RE Group
RE Group on suomalaisessa omistuksessa oleva suunnittelutoimisto. Meillä on käytössänne 60 asiantuntijaa eri aloilta
RE Groupista löytyy usean alan erikoisosaamista. Monet
suunnittelukohteemme sisältävät erilaisia erikoisvaatimuksia vaativia tiloja.
RE Group on mukana projektien elinkaaren kaikissa vaiheissa, liiketoiminnallisten tarpeiden tarkastelusta avainten luovutukseen.
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